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eVisit- your gateway to a convenient patient experience via Telemedicine

 A videovisit is a private, secure, and face-to-face appointment between you and Dr. Pandeya within the Ontario Telemedicine Network, with you on your smartphone or computer at a specific time.

It is useful for follow-up appointments to review blood pressure, discuss test results, and to address concerns that do not require a physical examination in the office, after which Dr. Pandeya will make recommendations about your care.

You save time and expense, and may do this in the convenience of your own home.

If appropriate for your follow-up, you should have had any requested bloodwork or imaging studies done in advance of the eVisit. You should also have an updated list of medications as well as a recent home or drug store blood pressure available for Dr. Pandeya and his staff.

If you are interested, please speak with Dr. Pandeya and his staff about whether an eVisit is something you should consider for your next follow-up appointment.